Introduction to dplyr

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The cleaning and transformation of data belong to the most time consuming parts of any economic analysis. Many graphical or statistical functions in R require specifically formatted data to work properly. Although the standard functions of R can be used to prepare your data for further analysis, some people find them a bit laborious for daily applications. Therefore, alternatives have been developed, which make data transformation in R easier and also faster. One of these alternatives is the dplyr package of the tidyverse. It has gained great popularity among R users and being familiar with its syntax can be considered a standard skill in R.1 In the following I give an introduction to some main functions of dplyr, which I also use extensively at work.

For this illustration we use data from the World Penn Tables, which come with the pwt9 package. In particular, we use the 9.0 version of the data set, which can be loaded with data("pwt9.0").

library(dplyr) # Load dplyr

library(pwt9) # Load data


But before we start with a tour through the main function of dplyr it should be mentioned that the package works with its own object format, which is called tibble.2 Tibbles are practically data.frames, but with some nice additional features. For some further information take a look at the documentation: ?tibble::tibble. You will notice the differences between tibbles and data.frame when you work more with dplyr. For now, there is not much more use must know to use them.


dplyr also utilises a very handy tool called pipe, which comes with the magrittr package. Pipes are indicated by the operator %>% and they forward the output of the part to its left as input for the part to its right. What this means will become clearer immediately.3


The select function can be used to select the columns of a table. For example, the pwt9.0 data set contains 47 columns. But let’s assume that we only want to analyse real GDP and the population size, i.e. variables rgdpna and pop, for all countries and all years. This can be done with the following lines:

pwt_select <- pwt9.0 %>% select(year, country, rgdpna, pop)

Let’s start with object pwt9.0. This is the data set that was originally loaded. The pipe to its right tells R that it should be used as input for the function to its right, i.e. select. The select function recognises the data coming from the pipe and selects the columns called year, country, rgdpna and pop. All other columns are dropped.

There are two things to mention at this point. First, note that the column names in the select function do not have to be in quotes. If we used the standard R commands to select the same data we would have to use pwt9.0[, c("year", "country", "rgdpna", "pop")].

Second, to understand better how pipes work, it should be mentioned that it would also be possible to write the command differently and omit the pipe. This would result in pwt_data <- select(pwt9.0, year, country, rgdpna, pop). This would yield the exact same result as above. The only differnece is that we included the data object in the select function. But since the function was designed to work with pipes, it recognices that the data comes via a pipe so that the data argument of select does not have to be specified.


Let’s assume we are not satisfied with the names of the original column names and want to change them. With dplyr this can be done with the command rename, where the new name of the column is followed by the equality sign and the old name of the column. The following example illustrates this:

pwt_rename <- pwt_select %>%
  rename(ctr = country,
         gdp = rgdpna)

Starting with the object pwt_select we forward its content to the rename function and define ctr as the new column name for country and gdp as the new column name instead of rgdpna. And the output of this operation is saved as object pwt_rename. Again, it would also be possbile to write rename(pwt_select, ctr = country, value = rgdpna), but since we use pipes, we can forget about the data argument.

Note that it is not necessary to write the commands in one line. In fact, it is good practise to begin a new code line after a pipe. For a comprehensive style guide for the tidyverse see the online book by Hadley Wickham.


dplyr also provides a filter function, where the conditions of the filter can be added consecutively and separated with a column. Eeach condition can be regarded as an and operator. Or conditions must be specified in the same line. The following code used the data in pwt_rename and omits all observations, where the column gdp contains NA value, the year is lower than 1980 and where the country name is not Austria, Germany or France.4 The result is save as object pwt_filter.

pwt_filter <- pwt_rename %>%
  filter(!, # Omit observation with NA values in column "value"
         year >= 1980, # Drow observations before 1980
         ctr %in% c("Austria", "Germany", "France")) # Only use obs for AT, DE and FR

This is relatively simple compared to the way you would have to do it when using the core R operators only:

pwt_filter <- pwt_rename[!$value) & pwt_rename$year >= 1980 & pwt_rename$ctr %in% c("Austria", "Germany", "France"),]


The mutate function can be use to change the content of an existing column in the data set or to generate a new column. In our example we calculate the GDP per capita ratio for the three countries in the filtered data set:

pwt_mutate <- pwt_filter %>%
  mutate(gdp_pc = gdp / pop)

After executing View(pwt_mutate) we see that the data.frame contains a new column called gdp_pc. Which contains the GDP per capita for each country and year since 1980. Again, thanks to the logic of the dyplr package we do not have to use quote to specify the varible names, which makes programming more convenient and faster.


One of the most tricky functions in the dplyr package is group_by. Basically, it tells R to execute the the following commands for each distinct value in the specified columns separately. This should become more clear when we look more closely at the following function…


Sometimes it might be useful to calculate aggregate values over a group of observations. This can be done with the summarise function in combination with the group_by function. The following code uses the group_by function to tell R that it should apply the summarise function to each year separately and calculate aggregate GDP and population for the region of Austria, France and Germany.

data_summarise <- pwt_filter %>% 
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(gdp = sum(gdp),
            pop = sum(pop)) %>%

Note that it is good practise to add the ungroup function after code lines which run in the context of a group_by. Although not really necessary, this can improve the performance of your code substantially.

Beside the functions presented above there are two further functions you should know when you work with dplyr. They are called spread and gather and come with the tidyr package.

Working with the dplyr packages requires some practise. This is especially true, when somebody just started to work with it. However, you have now already learned the basic functions and syntax of the package and there is a lot of additional material out there, which assists in becoming more familiar with the functions of dplyr. And once somebody is quite familiar with the syntax of the package, I find so-called cheatsheets as they are provided on the RStudio website especially useful.5 Other sources might be blog articles, online training courses or for a particular problem.

  1. More information can be found on the dplyr’s website. Another quite popular and even a bit faster package would be data.table.↩︎

  2. To be precise this object class actually comes with the tibble package, but dplyr utilises it.↩︎

  3. For further information on pipes see↩︎

  4. For completeness possible signs for vale comparison are ==, <, <=, >, >= and != for checking if the value on the left side of the sign is equal, lower, lower or equal, larger, larger or equal and different, respectively, from the value on the right side. The operator %in% can be used to determine, whether the object to its left is in a vector to its right.↩︎

  5. Cheatsheets are compact summaries for the use of packages. They can be found on the RStudio website:↩︎